The Big Deal Dress Part 2

I unintentionally took a blogging hiatus... I've been super busy lately fnishing up this beastly class in school. I could spend paragraphs complainging about it but I'll just say that I was very confused as to what was actually required and it took a lot of "trial and error" to figure it out. After the class ended, I had the pleasure of completing a Dr. Horrible Labcoat for my dear friend Steve-oh! (Pictures to come soon.) The costume had to be completed quickly though as we had our Halloween party (pictures of which also to come) approaching rapidly. Barely a week after the party we moved into a new apartment. So as you can see, I've been very busy!

Anyway, here are the photos that I promised of the dress. Please excuse the lighting, the photos were taken in the evening and the lighting was not super great.



This week has involved a lot of unpacking but I managed to find time to "tidy up" a few of my old projects. This bodice top was from a dress that I didn't quite like how it turned out but I thought that with some revisions the top portion could kind of cute with some highwaisted shorts



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